Refugee Startup Program:

Ignite Your Business Dream

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Empower Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Welcome to the Refugee Startup Program by ValueNation, where innovation meets opportunity.

Designed exclusively for refugees aiming to transform their dreams into reality, this program is your first step towards becoming your own boss.

Whether you're looking to turn a hobby into a full-fledged business, create a lucrative side hustle, or expand your existing enterprise, we're here to guide you on your path to success.

Why Join the Program?

Completely Free

We believe in making entrepreneurship accessible to everyone. This program is offered completely free of charge for any refugee entrepreneur.

Expert Guidance

Learn from the best. Our program is facilitated by seasoned entrepreneurs who have walked the path you're on and succeeded.

Refugee Facilitators

The program is delivered by facilitators with lived refugee experience.

A Sense of Community

Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Collaboration and networking with fellow aspiring entrepreneurs can open doors to new opportunities.

Complete Business

Over ten sessions, we cover everything from ideating a clear business plan to defining your brand and designing a simple yet effective website.

Extra Resources

The program will provide you with all you need to put your ideas into action, or take your current business to the next step.

Interested in Joining The Program?

By the end of the program you will have:

A Clear Business Idea
A Defined Brand ( Name, Logo, Colours)
A Simple Website

Program Details:

Duration: 20 April - 22 June
Saturdays: 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Location: Melbourne CBD
Close to public transport
Light refreshments provided
Wifi provided
Just bring your notebook or laptop

Meet the Facilitators

Mohammed Yassin

Former refugee from Iraq

Early career in cancer research

Founded a number of social enterprises

Several board membership and government advisory roles


Omar Ponsot

Former refugee from Syria

Founded a number of businesses in the middle east

Years of experience in marketing and business development

Artist, horse trainer and a calligrapher


The Program Is Delivered in Partnership With